This afternoon at 3.45 o'clock the first division of the Dormitory crews will race upstream over a one and three-eighths mile course, starting at the Boylston street bridge, and rowing up the river to the beginning of the long stretch, leading up to the Brighton bridge. A stake boat will be placed at this point and all the crews will finish at the same place. Immediately after, the second division will row over the same course, and as soon as the shells are returned, the third division will start. The divisions of the crews and the order in which they will start follows:
Division I--1, Claverly; 2, Mt. Auburn street; 3, Dunster-Dana-Drayton; 4, Randolph; 5, Westmorly; 6, Craigie-Waverley; 7, Russell.
Division II--1, Thayer; 2, First Holyoke; 3, Hampden; 4, Holworthy; 5, Perkins; 6, Matthews; 7, Weld.
Division III--1, Foxcroft-Divinity; 2, Grays; 3, Second Holyoke; 4, Hollis-Stoughton; 5, Brentford; 6, College House.
On the two days' racing, which will follow, the order of the crews in the divisions will change; the crews securing a bump advancing in position, while the crews against which a bump is scored, will be put in the rear, one place for each bump.
Conditions of the Races.
The crews will line up for the start 90 feet apart, and the starting positions will be indicated by buoys, placed in the river at the proper interval. Number one in each division will be farthest away from the bridge. A series of three shots will be fired for a starting signal. Between the first and the second shot there will be two minutes, between the second and third, one minute. The third shot will be the signal for the start. Referees will be stationed along the shore and bumps will be signalled, either through a megaphone or by a pistol shot. As soon as the signal is given the bumping crew and the crew bumped will drop out.
It is important that the coxswains study the chart of the river and observe the rules decided on by the executive committee. All bumps must be made on the outside. Each crew must keep to the inside course in rounding a curve to give the crew behind a chance to bump. A crew that disregards this rule will be considered bumped. In order to identify the crews, the coxswains will wear large numbers on their backs, indicating the positions at which they started.
All men must report at the boathouses, dressed to row, promptly at 3.30 o'clock. Captain Bacon will start the first division promptly at 3.45 o'clock, and any crew not at its buoy at that time will be considered out of the race.
The following men will act as officials, and must report at the University boathouse at 3.15 o'clock: H. V. Amberg '08, R. V. Arnold '08, G. G. Bacon '08, G. G. Ball '08, F. M. Blagden '09, E. R. Corbott '07, R. J. Crandall '09, R. Ealis'09, N. F. Emmons '07, E. Farley '07, R. M. Faulkner '09, S. W. Fish '08, G. G. Glass '08, L. K. Lunt '09, C. Morgan '08, R. C. Mulligan '09, F. M. Rackemann '09, F. A. Rooco '09, J. Richards '07, J. Richardson '08, W. R. Severance '09, M. B. Whitney '08 and C. Wiggins '08.
An executive committee, composed of Captain R. L. Bacon '07, G. W. Bailey '07, R. B. Gregg '07, J. V. Onativia '08 and R. H. Wiswall '07 has been appointed by the rowing authorities. This committee will meet every day at the Newell Boat Club immediately after the races, and all complaints, to receive attention, must be filed with them at once.
Prizes Offered by B. A. G. Fuller '00.
The following letter, offering prizes for the successful crew, has been received by Captain Bacon:
"My dear Bacon--
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