

Dr. Eastman, a Sioux, on "The Real Indian."--Union Members Only

Dr. Charles A. Eastman of Amherst, Massachusetts, a full-blooded Sioux Indian, will lecture this evening in the Living Room of the Union at 8 o'clock on "The Real Indian." The lecture will be open to members of the Union only.

Born about 1858 in Minnesota, the home of the Sioux, Dr. Eastman spent the first fifteen years of his life with his native tribe, where he never heard a word of English, and was taught to hate and distrust the white men. Later he went to school and college. He attended Beloit and Knox Colleges and is a graduate of Dartmouth and of Boston University. For the last fifteen years he has been a physician, a missionary, and a writer, and is a speaker of wide experience. Among his books are "Indian Boyhood," and "Red Hunters and Animal People." The lecturer is the only North American Indian giving lectures and is the ablest living exponent of Sioux life and character.
