
Sulloway and Cole Won Doubles

R. F. J. Sulloway 3L. and F. W. Cole 3L. won the University doubles championship yesterday by defeating C. R. Leonard '08 and W. H. Y. Hackett '08, 6-1, 6-2, 6-1. From the start Sulloway and Cole took the lead and Leonard and Hackett were forced to play an uphill game. Every deuce game went to Sulloway and Cole. The match was not particularly fast, although Leonard and Hackett occasionally made brilliant plays giving each other good support. Sulloway and Cole played an even and steady, but not a particularly brilliant game. They served faultlessly and carefully, but did not always play well together, and were occasionally passed by well placed shots. Leonard at the beginning did some very fast playing, but toward the end of the match he played rashly and carelessly, often making double faults in an attempt to place two swift serves. Hackett made some good half-volley shots, but his serve was too swift to be accurate.
