

At 7.30.-Outline of Plans.-Track and Field Club Organized.

At 7.30 o'clock this evening there will be a meeting in the Assembly Room of the Union of all men interested in track athletics. N. W. Bingham '95, J. W. Hallowell '01, and G. B. Morrison '83 will probably be present to address the meeting, as well as track athletes now registered in the graduate schools. Prospects for this year's team will be discussed, plans will be cautioned for fall and winter work, which will include arrangements for an open Freshman meet and for the fall handicap games. A new departure in track athletics will also be discussed in the form of a Track and Field Club to further the social end of track work.

The purpose of the club shall be to promote the pleasure, social interests, health and athletic success of its members. This will be accomplished by a club room where intercollegiate track records, statistics, read maps and books will be kept on file. From time to time cross country runs and walks will be held, and such other amusements as can be arranged. Club tables in Memorial Hall will be formed for as many members as care to eat together. Membership in the club will be free, and open to all members of the University, both undergraduates and graduates.

As the importance of fall and winter training in preparation for the work in the spring cannot be overestimated, it is important that every man who intends trying for the team be present at this meeting.

Regular track work has already begun, but any man who wishes may report at the Locker Building in the afternoon hereafter at his own convenience. The cross country squad will practice every afternoon at 4 o'clock
