GARDEN CITY, LONG ISLAND, Oct. 18.--In the qualifying round for the individual intercollegiate golf championship at this city today, five members of the Harvard team--T. M. Claflin '07, H. H. Wilder '09, T. Briggs '09, I. S. Broun '08 and E. W. Clark '07--were among the sixteen who qualified. T. M. Claflin '07 made the lowest score.
In the first round of the match play, T. Briggs '07 defeated Peters of Princeton, one up in 19 holes; Barrow of Princeton defeated Rotan of Yale, one up, Borup of Yale defeated E. W. Clark '07, one up; Partridge of Yale defeated T. M. Claflin '07, six up and five to play; Clow of Yale defeated Gee of Princeton, one up in 21 holes; Knowles of Yale defeated H. H. Wilder '09, four up and three to play; West of Princeton defeated Van Dyke of Princeton, one up; Abbott of Yale defeated I. S. Broun '08, three up and two to play.
Throughout the day there was a heavy wind accompanied by rain.
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