
Books Missing from Union Library

The librarian of the Union reports the following books missing. If any of them are found it is requested that they be returned to the library at once. If anyone desires to replace some of the missing books with new ones, it will be greatly appreciated:

Apthorp, "Opera Past and Present."

Chambers, "Conspirators."

Chambers, "Maids of Paradise."

Chambers, "The Reckoning."


Churchill, "The Crisis."

Doty, "Prompt Aid to the Injured."

Fink, "Songs and Song Writers."

Fletcher, "The New Glutton."

Frothingham, "The Evasion."

Hyde, "The College Man and the College Woman."

Kobbe, "Famous Actors and Actresses and Their Homes."

Lamb. "Tales from Shakespeare."

Kipling, Works, Vol. II.

Major, "Dorothy Vernon."

Meredith, "Diana of the Crossways."

Nicholson, "House of a Thousand Candles."

Oppenheim, "Makers of History."

Parker, "Ladder of Swords."

Stephen's Dictionary of National Biography.
