
Work of Dormitory Crews

Yesterday afternoon about sixteen crews representing the different dormitories reported at the Weld and Newell boathouses. They were coached by R. Tappan '07 and S. Fish '08, who followed the shells in singles, and by Coaches Vail and Stephenson from the launch. G. G. Glass '08, as coxswain, also coached several of the crews.

The Westmorly crew rowed with possibly the best form, and the crews of Holworthy and Russell also showed good speed and finish. All the eights, however, were extremely ragged, and although they showed a good improvement over yesterday, the boats rocked considerably and the men rowed with little form and finish. The chief fault was a failure of the men in all the boats to sit up straight enough and many were inclined to settle at the finish of the stroke. Most of the crews were coached in short stretches, as the men are not yet seasoned sufficiently for continuous rowing.
