
Social Union Opens Tonight

The Social Union will be formally opened for the year this evening at 8 o'clock in Brattle Hall. The class rooms, which have been improved during the summer, will be open to inspection, and refreshments will be served.

Fifty-four courses are offered, including all subjects ordinarily taught in a high school, and many subjects that are not taught in the public schools, such as courses in instrumental and vocal music, business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, typewriting and civil service. As in most evening schools, the classes are largely composed of working people, including both men and women. College men can take any of the courses by paying the usual dues. In fact, several College men took courses in telegraphy, typewriting, and shorthand last year.

Among the courses offered are economics, American history and government, elementary and advanced French and German, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, freehand and mechanical drawing, painting, history of art, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, geography, geology, physiology and hygiene. There are also courses of lessons on the piano, violin, banjo and mandolin.

With the exception of courses in shorthand, telegraphy and typewriting, for which paid teachers are engaged, the instructors are all members of the University, who are willing to give up an hour a week to help others, as well as for the sake of the experience it gives them. There are still three men needed to teach history of art, photography and grammar. Thos who wish to teach or take courses should see F. S. Cheney '06, head of the educational department, at the Social Union, 42 Brattle street.
