
Intercollegiate Golf Tuesday

The eleventh annual tournament of the Intercollegiate Golf Association will be held this year at the Garden City Golf Club, starting on Tuesday. On the first two days the team matches will be played, the remainder of the week being devoted to play for the individual championship. The University golf team will leave for Garden City tomorrow night.

In preparation for the intercollegiate tournament a match will be played this afternoon against the Oakley Country Club at Watertown. Six men and one substitute will be picked for the intercollegiate tournament from the following who are entered in this afternoon's match: T. Briggs '09, I. S. Broun '08, C. H. Burton '09, T. H. Campbell '09, T. M. Claflin '07, E. W. Clark '08, W. Hickox '08, A. W. Ingalls '09, H. F. McNeil '08, H. H. Wilder '09. Judging from the manner in which the men have been playing this fall, and by the excellent scores which some of them have made the team this year should be fairly strong. Captain Hickox, Briggs, Broun, Clark and Wilder were on last year's team and will be eligible to compete in the intercollegiate tournament this year.
