
Gun Club Plans and Prospects

The Shooting Club will begin its season this afternoon on Soldiers Field, where the grounds will be open between 2 and 5 o'clock today and on every Tuesday and Friday from now on.

Instead of the old Magau traps, a new and simpler system has been installed in the shape of three "Expert" traps arranged under the Sargent method. The club has also an extra trap which can be substituted in case of accident to any of the others.

The Novice Cup shoot, open to those who have never won a prize or been on the University team, will begin next week and continue for four weeks. The individual who has made the three highest scores during the regular shoots will win the cup.

After the Novice Cup shoot is finished cups will be awarded for the best scores made each week. These cups will be given weekly until the intercollegiate shoot, which will be held on the day after the dual match with Yale, probably on November 10.

Matches have also been arranged with the B. A. A. (two shoots), Boston Gun Club, New England Kennel Club, Watertown and Wellington Gun Club.
