

By Score of 13 to 9.--Harvard Team Outclassed.--Many Fouls by Both Teams.

The University basketball team was defeated by the University of Pennsylvania, in the Gymnasium on Saturday afternoon, by a score of 13 to 9. Throughout the game the University team was outclassed, and only for a short period in the second half showed any ability to rally. Both teams committed many fouls, but neither was able to profit by the opportunities for scoring thus offered. On the defensive the team did not come up to expectations. In passing and handling the ball the men were slow and erratic, and in every way showed lack of experience and practice.

Pennsylvania started out aggressively and almost immediately scored two baskets from the floor, and one from a foul. The University team then braced and held well, but was unable to overcome this lead. The score at the end of the first half was: Pennsylvania, 8; Harvard, 3.

In the second half the University team showed improvement, and but for inaccuracy and failure to profit by Pennsylvania's many fouls, might, at least, have tied the score. The ball was in Harvard's territory much of the time, but poor work by Pennsylvania's forwards prevented a higher score.

The summary: HARVARD.  PENNSYLVANIA. Broun, r.f.  l.f., Flint Quigley, l.f.  r.f., Keinath Amberg, c.  c., Ehlers, Fitzpatrick Griffiths, r.g.  l.g., Keifaber Burnham, l.g.  r.g., Striegel

Score--Pennsylvania, 13; Harvard, 9. Baskets from the floor--Keinath 2, Flint, Ehelers, Fitzpatrick, Broun, Amberg, Griffiths. Baskets on fouls--Flint 3, Broun 2, Quigley. Fouls called--on Harvard, 9; on Pennsylvania, 13. Referee--W. N. Knox, Everett Y. M. C. A. Timekeepers--M. Ewing, Pennsylvania, E. L. Grant 1L., Harvard. Time--20-minute halves.
