
Football Conference Action

At a meeting of the rules committee of the National Intercollegiate Football Conference on Saturday afternoon, a letter was formulated setting forth the steps taken by the committee since its organization, and reciting the action taken toward amalgamation with the old rules committee. This information was forwarded to the presidents of all the universities represented at the original conference. Until the old rules committee definitely decides on the question of the proposed amalgamation no further announcements will be made by the conference committee.

Previous to Saturday's meeting a letter was sent to the presidents of the larger eastern universities stating that "the committee wishes to receive practical suggestions from each institution represented at the conference, as well as from other universities and colleges actively engaged in football, as to how the following desired results may be brought about: (a) a more open game; (b) elimination of rough and brutal playing; (c) efficient enforcement of rules, making the rules definite and precise in all respects, such as the definition of brutal playing, holding, tripping, and, in general, all infringements of the rules for which penalties are given." The conference committee is also in favor of the appointment of a central body of officials.

The old rules committee will hold its next meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock at the University Club, New York, and the conference committee will convene at the same time at the Murray Hill Hotel.
