
Continuation of Track Work

With the continuation of regular track work today, all men who intend to try for any of the relay teams which will compete in the B. A. A. meet will start training. Daily attendance for all candidates will be necessary.

Beginning today Trainer Lathrop will give special coaching to all candidates for the high jump every afternoon at 3 o'clock. It is proposed to form a squad of pole-vaulters as soon as possible to develop new material. Shot-putters are practicing in the basement of the Gymnasium at regular squad hours, under the supervision of Assistant Trainer Quinn. All men intending to try for the hammer-throy are advised to join one of these squads without delay.

The work Saturday consisted in weight drill and hurdling, with practice for the sprinters in starting. The distance men ran a mile and a quarter; the sprinters jogged about 600 yards.
