
Beginning of Track Work Yesterday

About 180 men reported for the first track work yesterday. The work for each squad consisted of pulling weights, dumb-bell drill and hurdling, followed by a run on the 130-yard board track on Holmes Field. The sprinters took only a short run; the distance men ran ten laps. Cards were handed in by 33 additional men, bringing the total number of candidates up to 284. Some of these will not be out until after the mid-year examinations because of basketball or other work, but all who can do so should report without delay as little more than four weeks remain before the B. A. A. meet.

Four squads have been formed which report at 9 and 11 o'clock in the morning and at 3.30 and 4.30 o'clock in the afternoon, respectively, and squad captains have been appointed as follows:

11 A. M.--S. T. Hubbard '07.

12 M.--W. Minot '07.

3.30 P. M.--Monday, Wednesday, Friday, H. M. Turner '06; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, E. J. Dives '06.


4.30 P. M.--Monday, Wednesday, Friday, E. J. Dives '06; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, A. King 3L.
