
Candidates for Degrees in March

Students who expect to complete at the end of the first half-year the requirements for the degree of A.B. or S.b., and who wish to receive the degree in March, 1906, are requested to give written notice to the Recorder before tomorrow.

Students who, at the beginning of the present academic year, had completed the requirements for the degree of A.B., and who are now on leave of absence for the year, may become candidates for the degree in March, 1906, if they give written notice to the Recorder before tomorrow.

Seniors who expect to complete the requirements for the degree of A.B. or S.B. in the first half-year, and who wish for leave of absence in the second half-year, should send petitions to the College Office before tomorrow.

Candidates for a degree in March, 1906, are reminded that all dues to the University must be paid on or before February 24, 1906.
