
Fellowships in Archaeology

Eight fellowships in Classical Research at Rome and Athens, open to graduates of American universities and to other American students of suitable attainments, will be awarded for the year 1906-07 as follows:

At the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, two in Greek archeology, with a stipend of $600 each, and one in architecture with a stipend of $1000; and at the American School of Classical Studies in Rome, two for research, one in Roman classical archeology, and one in Roman literature, each with a stipend of $800, one in Roman classical archeology, and probably one in Christian archeology, each with a stipend of $600. These scholarships are usually awarded for one year only.

For the year 1906-07 the fellowship in architecture at the school at Athens will be awarded without examination, but candidates will be required to submit specimens of their work as draughtsmen. The fellowships for research at the school in Rome will be awarded without an examination to present or former members of the school, and to other candidates of special qualifications. Applications for these fellowships must be made not later than February 15.

The holders of fellowships at either school may, with the consent of the director, spend a limited portion of the year in residence at the other school under the supervision of its director. In addition to his general work each holder of a fellowship is required to prosecute some definite subject of special research, and, after the completion of the year, to present a paper embodying the results of his investigation. For the prosecution of his special investigation he may obtain leave, under certain conditions, to supplement his studies at Athens or Rome by researches elsewhere than in Greece or Italy.

Each candidate must announce in writing his intention to offer himself for examination. This announcement must be made, not later than February 1, to Professor H. N. Fowler, Cleveland, Ohio, chairman of the committee on fellowships for the school at Athens; and to Professor J. C. Rolfe, Philadelphia, Pa., chairman of the committee on fellowships for the school at Rome, respectively. Blanks will be sent to each candidate which must be filled out and returned to the chairman before February 15.


Examinations for the fellowships at the school in Rome will be held at Athens, Rome, or any of the universities represented on the managing committee of either school, on March 12, 13 and 14. Candidates for fellowships at the school at Athens will be examined at the same places on March 15, 16 and 17.
