
Review of Debating Work

Since the Princeton and interclass debates were concluded last month debating interests in the University have been confined to the various clubs, representing the University and the four classes. The work of the University Debating Club is at present light, and no active preparations or plans, in the interest of debating, will be drawn up until after the mid-year period.

The newly formed Extempore Debating Club is open to members of the two upper classes. This club aims primarily to promote extemporaneous speaking, and to train a man to be at his ease when speaking in public. It is a loosely bound organization, and no man is expected to make it a point to attend all the meetings, which are of an informal nature. The work of the club is hardly organized as yet, nor has a constitution been adopted. Probably no more meetings will be held until after the mid-year period.

The Forum Debating Club was originally a Sophomore society, but has recently been opened to men of the three upper classes, in the hope of promoting debating interests in the University. Weekly meetings are held, at which two of the fourteen teams which compose the club conduct regular debates. The members of the team having the best record at the end of the year will receive cups.

The Freshman Debating Club has been holding regular weekly meetings, which have a large attendance. Aside from these weekly practice debates, no competitive work will be done by the Freshmen until the debate with Exeter in the spring.

The final interclass debate of the year, from which the award of the Pasteur medal will be determined, will be held early in March, between the Juniors and the Sophomores. The subject of the debate will be announced shortly after the mid-year period, and trials for the teams will begin at that time
