By the provisions of the will of the late Dr. William Johnson Walker, two prizes are annually offered by the Boston Society of Natural History for the best memoirs, written in the English language, on subjects proposed by a committee appointed by the Council.
For the best memoir presented a prize of $60 may be awarded; if, however, the memoir be one of marked merit, the amount may be increased to $100 at the discretion of the committee. For the next best memoir a prize not exceeding $50 may be awarded. Prizes will not be awarded unless the memoirs presented are of adequate merit.
Attention is especially called to the following points:
In all cases the memoirs are to be based on a considerable body of original and unpublished work, accompanied by a general review of the literature of the subject.
Anything in the memoir which shall furnish proof of the identify of the author shall be considered as debarring the essay from competition.
Preference will be given to memoirs showing intrinsic evidence of being based upon research made directly in competition for the prizes.
Each memoir must be accompanied by a sealed envelop enclosing the author's name and superscribed with a motto corresponding to one on the manuscript, and must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before April 1 of the year for which the prize is offered.
The Society assumes no responsibility for publication of manuscripts submitted.
The following subjects are announced for 1906:
1. An experimental field study in ecology.
2. A contribution to a knowledge of the nature of competition in plants.
3. A physiological life history of a single species of plant.
4. Phylogeny of a group of fossil organisms.
5. A study in stratigraphy.
6. A research in mineral physics.
7. A study of entectics in rock magmas.
8. A study in river capture.
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