
Rev. T. A. Jaggar in Appleton Chapel

Rt. Rev. Thomas A. Jaggar, D.D., of Boston, preached in Appleton Chapel last night from the text: "Moses wist not that his face shone while he talked with Him."

Moses was impelled by divine call, said Dr. Jaggar, to lead the chosen people out of captivity, and this is an instance of his devotion to God. Devotion to God gives us an unconscious glow and influence more powerful than genius. The Puritans were a people who had genuine devotion to God, and they accomplished marvels. If we live up to God's laws, we will be true men, and not shiftless members of society. The measure of the man's usefulness is not what he accomplishes, but what he is. The good works of bad men are vitiated by their bad influence, but the mistakes of good men are forgotten in the remembrance of their characters. To be and not merely to do should be the business of every man.
