

Game With Princeton in New York Tomorrow.--No Line-up Yesterday.

The University hockey team will leave for New York this afternoon on the 1 o'clock train and will play Princeton at the St. Nicholas Rink tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. This will be the second intercollegiate game of the season for the University team. The following men will be taken: Edgell, Fraser-Campbell, Ivy, Macleod, McMaster, D. Newhall, M. Newhall, Pell, Tilney, Townsend, Willetts. The team will probably return on the 10.03 train from New York on Sunday morning.


Yesterday afternoon nine men reported for hockey practice on Artificial Pond. There was no line-up because the ice was covered with water, which made passing impossible. About 40 minutes were spent in shooting goals from a small and comparatively dry portion of the ice, and following this work the forwards were given practice in carrying the puck past the point and goal.
