
1909 Class Officers Elected

At a meeting of the Freshman class held last evening the following officers were elected for the year; president, Francis Hardon Burr, of Chestnut Hill, Mass., Noble and Greenough's School; vice-president, Shaun Kelley, of Paris, France, Groton School; secretary and treasurer, Samuel Dacre Bush, of Baltimore, Md., St. Mark's School.

The voting was as follows: 396 votes for president, 396 for vice-president, and 371 for secretary and treasurer. The number of votes for each man nominated was as follows: president--F.H. Burr, 314; O. Lyding, 82; vice-president--S. Kelly, 189; T.C. Defriez, 169; T.S. Sampson, 38; secretary treasurer--S.D. Bush, 133; E.E. Wise, 81; G. Farewell, 69; G.C. Good, 55; R.W. Means, 33.

It was voted to follow the precedent established by 1906 and carried out by 1907 and 1908 to govern the election of officers for the next three years.
