Dr. S. M. Zwemer, the Arabian explorer, will lecture tonight at 8 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union on "Arabia and Islam."
Dr. Zwemer has spent 15 years in Arabia, where he became noted as the only white man who has ever crossed the Oman peninsula. The Royal Geographical Society of England recognized the value of his work by electing him a member on the completion of some explorations at Yemen. He is the author of several books descriptive of Arabia and its religion.
In his lecture, which will be illustrated by stereopticon views, Dr. Zwemer will begin with an account of the geography of Arabia and of the nomad life of its inhabitants. After describing the struggle for supremacy in the Persian Gulf, he will give the history of the slave trade and polygamy, and will conclude with a prophecy of the country's future.
The lecture will be open only to members of the Union.
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