
Seniors Won Swimming Meet

The Seniors won the class relay swimming championship last night at the Dunster tank by defeating the Freshman team in the final race. O. N. Shepard, H. S. Wyndham-Gittens, W. M. Shonl and R. R. Hellman made up the Senior team, and they will be awarded cups. Each man swam four lengths of the tank, a total distance of about 50 yards. The best time was 2 minutes and 19 seconds, made by the Senior team in the preliminary race with the Juniors.

Following the preliminary races an excellent exhibition of diving was given by D. B. Hill '08, B. Moore '08, and R. K. Tomlin '07, R. K. Tomlin '07, excelled in form.

A University swimming squad has been chosen which will practice at the Brookline Swimming Club, Brookline, tomorrow afternoon. On Tuesday trials for the team to compete in the meet with Brown next Thursday will he held at the same place. The following men have been retained on the University squad: R. R. Hellmann '06, O. N. Shepard '06, W. M. Shohl '06, D. C. Brennan '07, J. Cunniff '07, L. Howe '07, F. H. Middleton '07, D. C. Noyes '07, W. Peirce '07, J. V. Quinlan '07, R. K. Tomlin '07, G. C. Welter '07, E. Becker '08, D. H. Coddington '08, D. B. Hill '08, A. B. Kuttner '08, B. Moore '08, O. A. Wyman '08, F. P. Allen '09, B. A. Merriam '09, P. Withington '09.
