
President Harper of Chicago Dead

William Rainey Harper, LL.D., President of the University of Chicago since 1891, died of cancer yesterday.

Mr. Harper was born in New Concord, Ohio, July 26, 1856, and after graduating from Muskingum College in 1870 received the degree of Ph.D. from Yale University in 1875; of LL.D. from the University of Nebraska in 1893, from Yale University in 1901, and from Johns Hopkins Institute in 1902. Mr. Harper was professor of Hebrew at the Baptist Union Theological Seminary at Chicago from 1879-86, professor of Semitic languages at Yale University from 1886-91 and of Biblical literatures from 1889-91. He was also professor of Semitic languages and literatures at the University of Chicago; a member of the Chicago Board of Education from 1896-98; and a director of the Haskell Oriental Museum.
