

Of World's Student Federation from Feb. 28 to March 4.--Harvard Delegation.

Arrangements are being made to send a large delegation from Harvard to the fifth annual international convention of the World's Student Christian Federation at Nashville, Tenn., from February 28 to March 4. The object of these conventions, held once in four years, is to furnish information about the physical, mental and moral conditions and needs of all the races of the world, and to stimulate interest in all forms of missionary activity. This federation is made up of national student organizations such as the American and Canadian Student Young Men's Christian Associations, the British College Christian Union, the Australasian Student Christian Union, and similar organizations in many other countries. The convention will be attended by 3,000 delegates from about 500 universities, colleges and seminaries. The speakers will include missionaries from about forty mission fields, men from the government service of the United States and other countries, and others who have first hand knowledge of foreign countries and of missions.

The last convention, held at Toronto in 1902, was attended by forty Harvard men, the largest delegation present. This year Harvard is entitled, on the basis of the size of the University, to 41 representatives at Nashville. It is planned to send the full number of delegates, and arrangements for the trip are in charge of the executive committee of the Harvard Mission, made up of Professor E. C. Moore, Dr. Endicott Peabody, Mr. A. S. Johnson '85, R. H. Oveson '05, J. M. Groves '05 and sixteen undergraduates. One or two men from each of the professional schools will probably go, and the rest of the delegation will be made up of undergraduates.

The Administrative Board of the College voted last Monday that all students on the Dean's List should be allowed to go, and that the Board will consider, individually, cases of other students who wish to be present at the convention.

The party will go by boat from Boston or Providence to Norfolk, Va., sailing Saturday afternoon, February 24. From Norfolk the men will travel in a special Pullman car over one of the four possible routes, to be determined later by preference of the men in the party. On one of these routes a stopover at Mammoth Cave is possible, and on the others a stop at Chattanooga to see Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and other historic points can be arranged. On the return trip, there will be time enough at Norfolk to visit Newport News, and Old Point Comfort before boarding the return steamer, which will arrive in Boston early Thursday morning, March 8. The fare for the round trip will be $31.95, including berth and meals on steamers. Meals and Pullman charges on the railroad trip will bring the total cost to about $40. The men will be entertained by the citizens of Nashville.

Arrangements with undergraduates and the details of the trip are in charge of the following committee: C. H. Sutherland '06; R. B. Gregg '07, H. W. Nichols '07, D. J. Knowlton '08, E. G. Stillman '08, and F. B. Biddle '09.
