At a meeting of the Athletic Committee last night it was resolved, "That the unanimous opinion of the Harvard Athletic Committee is in favor of the continuance of intercollegiate football at Harvard, provided the present rules and regulations under which the game is played and which they now regard as unsatisfactory, be changed in such a way as to be made acceptable to that Committee."
It was further resolved, "That the Football Rules Committee be informed that Harvard intends to send a representative to the rules committee of the National Intercollegiate Football Conference, and that it withdraws from the old committee with the hope that the other universities there represented do likewise."
The committee gave the track management permission to enter relay teams at the B. A. A. meet to he held on February 10. Permission was also given for the formation of a Freshman track team and for the arrangement of a meet. The following appointments were approved: W. M. Van Winkle '08, as manager of the University second baseball team; H. N. Arrowsmith '09 and R. S. Hoar '09 as manager and assistant manager, respectively, of the Freshman baseball team.
Rule 13, of article II, was stricken from the rules for the regulation of athletic sports. This rule was as follows: "No student shall be a member of a class team unless he is eligible to membership in the University teams, except in case of the Freshman Class, for which provision is made in Rule 10, and in case of dropped men as provided under Rule 2."
The schedule of the Freshman basketball team was approved as follows:
January 13--Cambridge Manual Training School at Cambridge.
January 23--Tufts College at Somerville.
January 27--Andover at Andover.
January 31--Lowell Textile School at Lowell.
February 15--Lynn High School at Lynn.
February 21--Williston Seminary at Easthampton.
February 22--De La Salle Institute at New York.
March 3--M. I. T. second team at Boston.
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