
Plans for Entertainment Troupes

One of the most important functions of the Social Service Committee is to provide free entertainments for charitable institutions in Boston and vicinity. These entertainments, necessarily informal in character, are furnished by troupes of students under the direction of a member of the Entertainment Troupe Committee.

Last year the work of this Committee was admirably systematized under the chairmanship of R. N. Baldwin '05, and an average of three entertainments a week was given. This year the Committee intends not only to give the full number of entertainments, but also to raise the standard of these performances. For this purpose an opportunity will be given this week to all students so desiring to register of this work at the Phillips Brooks House, and an early division of the material into more or less permanent groups can thus be made. In this way greater proficiency and a more equal distribution of work will be obtained. It is probable that members of troupes will not be called upon to give more than one evening a month to this service.

The Committee in charge of these entertainments consists of the following: J. L. White '06 chairman, H. T. Pierpont '06, H. M. Turner '06, D. G. Field '07, C. C. Nash '07, N. C. Nash '07, A. G. Grant '07, G. G. Ball '08, J. B. Husband '08, G. Emerson '08.
