The twentieth annul student conference at East Northfield. Mass., will be held this year from June 30 to July 19. It is expected that the conference will be attended by from 600 to 800 men representing the leading eastern colleges. The program of the day's work at the conference devotes mornings and evenings to consideration and discussion of religious and philanthropic work at various institutions, and leaves the afternoon free for recreation. Each college will organize a baseball nine and a track team: good opportunities will be offered for tennis, golf, canoeing and swimming. The social life is a feature of the conference as receptions will be given by the different, college delegations to one another. Among the men ho will be present from Harvard are: R. S. Wallace 04. A. E. Thayer II., J. M. Groves 05, R. D. Shipman '05, N. Kelly '06, T. B. Dorman '06, C. H. Sutherland '06. W. H. Keeling '07, N. B. Groton '07, H. S. Blair '08, G. Ball '08, J. C. Carrol '08. All men in the University who desire to attend the conference may obtain further information from R. S. Wallace IG., or K. C. McArthrn ID, at Phillips Brooks House.
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