
Protest Against Paying for Yale Game Tickets


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

This year holders of H. A. A. tickets who in previous years have been admitted free to the Harvard-Yale baseball game will have to pay $1.50 for seats in the cheering section. The introduction of these tickets has enabled the poor as well as the rich student to see all the games played by our varsity team. These games are part of University life; they are played by our fellow students and friends, and we all want to see them. We ought then to have this privilege at the lowest possible cost. In the face of a $20,000 surplus and the fact that the tendency has been to reduce this item of expense to members of the University one looks in vain for some justification for the Athletic Committee's action in imposing this additional tax. We all know there is a heavy debt on the Stadium, but the $20,000 surplus would seem to indicate that we are doing our fair share towards removing that debt. As it is only reasonable to suppose that the University will last several years in the future, why not allow our successors to bear a part of the burden? '03, 2L.
