
Final Class Day Program

The following program has been arranged for Class Day:

9 A. M. The Senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Appleton Chapel, where prayer will be offered by Rev. Francis G. Peabody.

10.15. Sanders Theatre will be opened to ticket holders.

10.45. The Senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Sanders Theatre.

10.55. Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.


2 P. M. The Yard will be cleared of all but ticket holders and tickets will be required of all persons who enter thereafter.

2-7. Music in the Yard.

3.30. Seniors assemble in front of Holworthy for Tree exercises.

3.45. Seats in the Stadium will be open to ticket holders.

Graduates, the three lower classes and Glee Club assemble in the Yard.

4.15. Graduates, three lower classes and Glee Club march to the Stadium. Seniors, led by class officers, march around the Yard, cheering the buildings and the Tree.

4.30. Seniors march to the Stadium.

7-9. President Eliot's reception.

7-11. Music. Illumination in the Yard.

8-11. Dancing in the Gymnasium and Memorial Hall.

9. The Glee Club will sing on the steps of Sever.

The exercises at the Stadium will consist of the following.

1. Cheering of Seniors by the lower classes and graduates; Seniors return these cheers.

2. Singing by the Glee Club.

3. Ivy Oration, W. Field '05.

4. Cheering.

5. Presentation of Senior Class colors to Freshmen.

6. "Fair Harvard," sung by everybody.

In case of rain, the Sanders Theatre exercises and dancing in the evening will be held as usual, but the Stadium exercises will be given in a modified form. Two admission tickets for Sanders Theatre in the afternoon will be enclosed in each package which will be sold to Seniors. These tickets will be for use, if the Stadium exercises are abandoned. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
