

Will be Rowed at New London on Thursday, June 29.

The annual races between the Harvard and Yale university eights and four-oars and the Freshman eights will be rowed at New London on Thursday, June 29. The first race, between the University four-oars, will be held in the morning at 10.30 o'clock. It will be rowed downstream over a two-mile course, commencing at the starting-point of the four-mile course and finishing at the Navy Yard. The Freshman race will be rowed as soon as possible after the four-oar race, starting at the Navy Yard and finishing at the railroad bridge. The University crew race will be rowed upstream at 4.30 o'clock, from the rail-road bridge to the start of the regular four-mile course. In case of postponement on account of unfavorable weather conditions the times for rowing will be decided and duly announced by the referee. Weather permitting, the University race will be rowed at the scheduled time, regardless of postponement of other races.

The orders of the crews will probably be as follows:

Harvard University Eight--Stroke, Filley; 7, Meier; 6, Bacon; 5, Lawson; 4, Newhall; 3, Flint; 2, Tappan; bow, Burchard; cox., Chase.

Yale University Eight--Stroke, Whitney; 7, Kineon; 6, Whittier; 5, Chase; 4, Scott; 3, Morse; 2, Daly; bow, Weeks.

Harvard University Four-Oar--Stroke, Corlett; 3, Gill; 2, George; bow, Farley; cox., Montgomery.


Yale University Four-Oar--Stroke Boulton; 3, Williams; 2, Ortmayer; bow, Blair.

Harvard Freshman Eight--Stroke, Morgan; 7, Amberg; 6, Fish; 5, Warren; 4, Richardson; 3, Fahnestock; 2, Despard; bow, Wiggins; cox., Arnold.

Yale Freshman Eight--Stroke, Graham; 7, Ide; 6, Noyes; 5, Biglow; 4, Godley; 3, Park; 2, Kelly; bow, Rockwell.
