
1905 Edition of Quinquennial on Sale

Copies of the 1905 edition of the Quinquennial Catalogue may be obtained at the Cambridge bookstores, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by the Publication Agent of the University, University 2. Prices--cloth, $2 ($2.20, postpaid); paper, $1.50 ($1.65, postpaid).

The Quinquennial Catalogue of Harvard University, 1636-1905, gives the names of the officers of government and instruction, with their periods of service, the names of the graduates in all departments, and the names of the recipients of honorary degrees, arranged according to the years in which the degrees were conferred. Against the names of the graduates are noted: degrees conferred by other institutions, professional appointments, membership in foreign societies and in some American societies, certain offices under the United States and state governments and foreign governments. In the present edition, for the first time, the names of the presidents of the Alumni Association have been, added to the class lists, the year of graduation of officers has been added in the index of officers, and a list compiled of officers not Harvard graduates, giving their degrees, professorships and other honors.

There are 140 more pages than in the previous edition, making a total of 755 pages. The whole number of degrees conferred, including honorary degrees is 31,806. The number of graduates recorded is 26,939, of whom 16,042 are supposed to be living. In the last five years 927 deaths among the graduates have been recorded.
