Red Top, June 15, 1905.--The University and Freshman crew squads had light work today on account of the heat. This morning all the crews rowed only a short distance downstream, but in the afternoon the practice was harder.
The University crew rowed downstream below the Navy Yard at a stroke of about 24, raising it to about 26 on the return and finishing with a stroke of 32. The men caught the water together and as there was less settling at the end of the stroke, the boat spaced well. The work showed marked improvement over the previous rowing this season.
The University and Freshman four-oar crews had a mile brush. For the first half-mile the crews kept together, but the superior weight and strength of the University four-oar enabled it to gain in the last half-mile, and it finished two and a half lengths ahead. The time was 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
The Freshman eight went over the mile course in 5 minutes and 23 seconds. The blade work was excellent and the men controlled their slides well.
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Professor Peabody in Berlin