Reproductions of some very fine miniatures by Flemish artists, taken from the Grimani Breviary in the Library of St. Mark's, Venice, were yesterday put on exhibition in the periodical room of the Union.
The Grimani Breviary which is the most precious illuminated manuscript in existence, was finished in 1480 by Hans Memling and other Flemish artists, and consists of 1580 illuminated pages, of which 110 are full page illuminations. All the illustrations are now being reproduced and three volumes of plates have already been received by the University Library.
The prints now on exhibition comprise twelve miniatures, illustrating the occupations of the different months, which were placed in the Breviary opposite the calendars of their respective months. There are also on exhibition ten scenes from the Bible and two specimens of the text page with illuminated borders.
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Professor Peabody in Berlin