
Final Class Baseball Today

The final game in the interclass baseball series will be played between the Seniors and Freshmen this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock on the Freshman diamond on Soldiers Field. The Freshman team has the advantage of more practise; but, as most of the men on the Senior team have played on the second or Leiter Cup teams during the spring, a close game is expected.

The line-up follows: 1905.  1908. Mitchell, s.s.  l.f., Ware Marean, c.  s.s., Pritchett Colby, c.f.  r.f., McNeil Tuckerman, r.f.  p., Lincoln Lewis, 1b.  c.f., Fischel Snyder, p.  3b., Thomas Page, 3b.  2b., Smith Leary, l.f.  c., Wendell Fish, Noyes, 2b.  1b., Stephenson
