
Athletic Committee Election Tonight

In accordance with the vote of the Corporation establishing the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports, to which the Overseers consented, the three undergraduate members of the Committee for the next College year will be chosen at a meeting in the Committee Room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock this evening by the majority vote of the presidents of the Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman classes, and a representative from the Boat Club and the Cricket Club, and the Athletic, Baseball, Football, Lacrosse and Tennis Associations.

The six other members of the Committee, including three members of the University Faculties, and three graduates of the College will be appointed before the end of the College year by the Corporation with the consent of the Overseers.

In the vote establishing the Committee, its duties are defined as follows:

"This Committee shall have entire supervision and control of all athletic exercises within and without the precincts of the University, subject to the authority of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, as defined by the Statutes."

Under the authority thus conferred the Committee exercises a general supervision over the grounds and buildings devoted by the University to athletic sports and exercise; over the times and places of athletic contests; and over the physical condition of those engaged in them. The regulations framed by the Committee forbid the employment of unauthorized persons as trainers, and require intercollegiate and other contests to be held at such times and places as will cause least interference with study. No person is permitted to take part in athletic contests without a physical examination by the Director of the Gymnasium, and his permission so to do. No person who is not a student of some department of the University in full and regular standing is allowed to take part in any athletic contest or exhibition. The Committee chooses its own officers, and appoints a Graduate Treasurer, who exercises supervision over the accounts of all athletic organizations using University grounds or buildings. The Committee makes a report annually to the President of the University.
