[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
As some misunderstanding appears to exist as to the reason that H. A. A. and season tickets do not admit the holders to the Yale baseball game this year, it seems advisable to make some explanation.
It was discovered last spring that through a mutual misunderstanding Harvard had been admitting the H. A. A. and season ticket holders free to the Yale game for three or four years, whereas Yale had not admitted their season ticket holders to the Harvard game in New Haven. Such a situation was manifestly unfair to Yale, and it became as question either of charging the Harvard season ticket holders in future, or of letting the Yale season ticket holders in free.
As the Yale management had some objections to the latter solution, and as the H. A. A. ticket holders were this year to have free admittance to the football game with Pennsylvania and to the baseball game with Princeton, and to the baseball game with Princeton, advantages they had not enjoyed the previous year, the Harvard management decided to remove from the H. A. A. ticket holders the privilege of admission to the Yale game.
Considering that the average charge per game on the H. A. A. ticket is only 10 cents, excluding the Yale game, the H. A. A. ticket holder can have no very serious complaint. ROGER ERNST.
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Sale of Yale Game Tickets