[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed]
Dean Huribut's letter announcing the tentative solution of the Phillips Brooks House affair lays before the Faculty and undergraduates the question of the propriety and expediency of compromising such a matter.
I desire to express the feeling of a large number of undergraduates that the University by compounding with an organization which it has hitherto refused to recognize on account of its lawless character, and by bestowing different treatment upon a member of such a body because he is in a strategic position to make favorable terms, is sacrificing its dignity to an extent which only the most urgent necessity can justify. We do not think that under existing circumstances the dignity of Harvard University should be bartered for immunity from the molestations of such a society as the Med. Fac.
It is said by persons who claim to be well informed that the majority of the society's members, present and past, are men whose connection with such a body is due to its long tradition rather than to a desire to bring injury and ridicule upon the University. If the personnel of the organization is of the high character and respectability that is claimed for it, we do not think it too much to ask of Harvard men that they cease injuring Harvard University and demand no price for so doing.
Finally, presuming that the proposed agreement is the most favorable to the University that could be achieved, it is evident that the Med. Fac. Society is driving a sharp bargain. For no mention is made of the records of the society and a way is especially pointed out by which the organization can be re-established without any responsibility on the part of the parties to the present agreement.
The proposal under discussion has received the careful consideration of the administrate officers of the University. But since the matter touches the undergraduates so closely the suggestion that they hold an organized discussion in regard to it is most apt. UNDERGRADUATE.
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