
Reading from "Agamemnon"

Professor W. W. Goodwin will translate at 8 o'clock this evening in the Fogg Lecture Room the chief portions of the "Agamemnon" of Aeschylus; which will be presented in the Stadium by the Department of the Classics in June, 1906.

The play gives opportunities for splendid acting in the parts of Clytaemestra, Cassandra, Agamemnon, Aegisthus, a watchman and a herald. It is hoped that all students who intend to compete for the acting parts or for the chorus will take the opportunity of hearing Professor Goodwin's reading in order to form a clear idea of the play. The competition is open to any one and no special ability in Greek scholarship is required, nor is previous experience in acting demanded. A trial of candidates will shortly be held, when passages selected by the candidates will be recited. Further information may be had of the committee, Professors H. W. Smyth, C. B. Gulick, and W. F. Harris.
