

At 4 o'clock.--Castle or Taylor Will Pitch and McCarty Will Play at First.

The University baseball team will play Colby this afternoon on the regular diamond, Soldiers Field, at 4 o'clock.

Amherst, the only team which has been played by both Harvard and Colby, defeated Colby last Saturday in a close game, by the score of 3 to 2. Besides this game, Colby has won from the Massachusetts College of Agriculture, by 10 to 5, and has beaten several other minor teams by large scores.

In the game today Castle or Taylor will pitch, McCarty will play at first base, and Spencer in right field.

The batting order: HARVARD.  COLBY. Dexter, 2b.  l.f., Tribon Leonard, 3b.  c., Dwyer Matthews, s.s.  3b., Craig Stephenson, c.  p., Coombs McCarty, 1b.  1b., Willey Spencer, r.f.  2b., Tilton Schoenfuss, c.f.  c.f., Pile Bradbury, l.f.  s.s., Pugsley Castle, Taylor, p.  r.f., Gould, Reynolds
