

At 10 o'clock Today at Longwood.--University Team Should Win.

At 10 o'clock this morning the University tennis team will play the fourth annual dual match with Yale on the courts of the Longwood Cricket Club at Brookline. Judging from a comparison of recent matches, the University team should win.

The pairings for today are as follows:

Singles--F.J. Sulloway, H., vs. K.H. Behr, Y.; B.S. Prentice, H., vs. G.D. Stetson, Y.; J.I.B. Larned, H., vs. W.K. Van Reypen, Y.; R.N. Smither, H., vs. G. Bodman, Y.; F.F. de Rham, H., vs. S. Porter, Y.; W.M. Tilden, H., vs. H.S. Wells, Y.

Doubles--F.J. Sulloway and J.I.B. Larned, H., vs. K.H. Behr and G. Bodman; Y.; B.S. Prentice and R.N. Smither, H., vs. S. Porter and W.K. Van Reypen, Y.; W.M. Tilden and F.F. de Rham, H., vs. G. Stetson and H.S. Wells, Y.
