Following is the program for the Pop Concert at Symphony Hall this evening: 1.March, "El Capitan," Sousa 2. Overture, "Si j'etais Roi," Adam 3. Waltz, "Grubenlichter," Zeller 4. Selection, "It Happened in Nordland," Herbert 5. Gavotte. Linke 6. "La Belle au Bois Dormant," Tschaikowski 7. Symphonic poem, "The Youth of Hercules," Saint-Saens 8. March, "Tannhauser." Wagner 9. Overture, "Galatea," Suppe 10. Waltz, "Beautiful Blue Danube," Strauss 11. Selection, "Yankee Consul," Robyn 12. March, "Vienna Dude," Wagner
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