
1908 Musical Clubs Concert June 1

The final concert of the Freshman Musical Clubs will be held on Thursday evening, June 1, at 8 o'clock. An informal dance will be held after the concert. Tickets at $1 for the floor and 75 cents for the balcony, are now on sale at Thurston's, Butler's and the Smoke Shop.

"The following have been elected officers of the Anglers' Club for the ensuing year: president, N.B. Burns '05; secretary-treasurer, N.C. Nash '07; executive committee, A. P. Crum '07, J. A. Remick '07, M. H. Stone '07.

The University Debating Council has elected the following officers for next year: president, E. M. Rabenold 1L.; vice-president, A. C. Blagden '06; secretary, W. M. Shohl '06; treasurer, M. C. Leckner '07; debating manager, W. H. Keeling '07.
