
Track Team Leaves Today

The members of the University track team, with the exception of the mile and two-mile runners, will leave for Philadelphia this afternoon to compete in the intercollegiate games on Friday and Saturday. As the long distance men have no contests on Friday they will not start until tomorrow. The team will leave the Square at 4:10 o'clock, take the Fall River boat to New York, and tomorrow morning will proceed to Philadelphia on the 8.55 o'clock train, arriving there at 11.30 o'clock. While at Philadelphia they will be at the Hotel Aldine. The whole team will return to Cambridge Sunday on the 1 o'clock train from New York.

The following men will be taken: W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, L. P. Dodge '08, P. C. Lockwood '07, E. J. Dives '06, H. H. Whitman '06, O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08, J. F. Doyle '07, W. B. Jordan '07, R. E. Crane '05, F. J. W. Ford 2L., F. H. Schoenfuss 1G., E. M. Sawyer, 1G., A. G. Grant '07, H. M. Turner '06, D. Grant 4M., A. King 2L., M. H. Stone '07, W. G. Howard '07, S. Curtis '05, A. S. Cobb '07 and R. Oveson '05.
