
"The Profession of a Mining Engineer"

In the Union course of lectures on the professions Mr. T. A. Rickard, of New York, editor of the Engineering and Mining Journal, will speak on "The Profession of a Mining Engineer," on Friday, June 2.

Mr. Rickard was born in Italy and educated in Russia and England, graduating from the Royal School of Mines in London in 1885. After his graduation, he went to Colorado and in two years became superintendent of the Union mine at San Andreas, California. In 1889 he went to Australia and for two years visited and studied most of the important mining districts in New Zealand, Queensland, New South Wales. Victoria and Tasmania. He then returned to Colorado and carried on a general practice as a consulting engineer. In 1895 he was appointed state geologist of Colorado and held-this honorary position for six years. Since then he has examined mines in British Columbia and West Australia and has been consulting engineer to several important mines in Colorado. He has been for many years a contributor to the Engineering and Mining Journal, of which he is now editor, and in 1897 published "Stamp Milling of Gold Ores."

The lecture will be open only to members of the Union.
