
First Play for Golf Championship

Fourteen men handed in cards in the qualifying round of the tournament for the individual golf championship of the University, begun yesterday at the Oakley Country Club. Six men did not hand in cards. The eight scores of the men who qualified are given below: P. Grant, 2nd., '8, 42, 40--82; F. H. Ellis '06, 45, 41--86; A. C. Travis '05, 47, 40--87; A. L. White '06, 45, 43--88; F. Ingalls 1L., 45, 43-88; M. McBurney '06, 48, 41--89; W. Hickox, Jr., '08, 47, 42--89; W. F. Harrison ;'06, 46, 44-90. The following six men failed to qualify: J. E. Searle '08, 47, 44-91: E. W. Clark, 3rd., '07, 43, 48--91; E. wilder '07, 44, 48--92; J. J. Rowe '07, 51, 44--95; w. H. Yale '06, 48, 51--99; J. O. Safford '06, 54, 46--100.

The pairings for the matches today are; Ingalls vs. Hickox, McBurney vs. Harrison, Travis vs. white, Grant vs. Ellis. Matches not begun by 3.30 o'clock or those in which stymies are not played will be considered defaulted.
