
Vandalism in Phillips Brooks House

About 12.30 o'clock Saturday morning four men, all of whom are probably members of the University broke into Phillips Brooks House through one of the rear windows, forced the lock of one of the doors in the interior of the building, and carried away with them the bronze memorial tablet to Bishop Brooks which was there on exhibition. They were discovered by the police immediately after they had left the building, and one of them, B. Joy '05, was arrested. The others escaped with the tablet, but were forced to drop it in a clump of bushed near the Fogg Art Museum, where it was found by the police about 4.30 o'clock.

Joy was released in $1500 ball, furnished by Professors Gray and Beale. His case will be brought before the grand jury at its next meeting in June.

Presumably in connection with the same affair, a skeleton which had recently been stolen from Dr. Darling's laboratory in Lawrence Hall was suspended on a rope over Massachusetts avenue in front of Holyoke House early Saturday morning. It was discovered by the police and taken down at 4 o'clock.
