
Schedule of the Leiter Cup Series

The first three games of the Leiter Cup series will be played this afternoon at 4 o'clock as follows: Pullets vs. Indians, north diamond, Soldiers Field; Squabs vs. Victorias, south diamond, Soldiers Field; Fleas vs. Butterfingers, Norton's Field.

The postponed meeting for all men interested in the series will be held at 7 o'clock this evening in Lower Massachusetts.

Following are the sections and the schedule:

Section I--Fleas, Butterfingers, Gin Rickeys, Grape Nuts, Incognitos, Boiler Makers.

Section II--Pullets, Indians, Cascarets, Texas Leaguers, Nine Muses, Grasshoppers.


Section III--Squabs, Victorias, Biffers, Has Beens, Lanky Shanks, Humpty Dumpties.


May 3--Cascarets vs. Texas Leaguers; Biffers vs. Has Beens; Gin Rickeys vs. Grape Nuts.

May 4--Nine Muses vs. Grasshoppers; Lanky Shanks vs. Humpty Dumpties; Incognitos vs. Boiler Makers.

May 5--Indians vs. Cascarots; Victorias vs. Biffers; Butterfingers vs. Gin Rickeys.

May 6--Texas Leaguers vs. Nine Muses; Has Beens vs. Lanky Shanks; Grape Nuts vs. Incognitos.

May 8--Pullets vs. Cascarets; Squabs vs. Biffers, Fleas vs. gin Rickeys.

May 9--Indians vs. Texas Leaguers; Victorias vs. Has Beens; Butterfingers vs. Grape Nuts.

May 10--Pullets vs. Grasshoppers; Squabs vs. Humpty Dumpties; Fleas vs. Boiler Makers.

May 11--Cascarets vs. Nine Muses; Biffers vs. Lanky Shanks; gin Rickeys vs. Incognitos.

May 12--Texas Leaguers vs. Grasshoppers; Has Beens vs. Humpty Dumpties; Grape Nuts vs. Boiler Makers.

May 13--Indians vs. Nine Muses; Victorias vs. Lanky Shanks; Butterfingers vs. Incognitos.

May 15--Pullets vs. Texas Leaguers; Squabs vs. Has Beens; Fleas vs. Grape Nuts.

May 16--Cascarets vs. Grasshoppers; Biffers vs. Humpty Dumpties; Gin Rickeys vs. Boiler Makers.

May 17--Pullets vs. Nine Muses; Squabs vs. Lanky shanks; Fleas vs. Incognitos.

May 18--Indians vs. Grasshoppers; Victorias vs. Lanky shanks; Butterfingers vs. Boiler Makers.

May 19--Winner Section I vs. winner Section II.

May 20--Winner Section I vs. Section II, vs. winner Section III.

May 22--All Leiter vs. Second nine.

There will be no postponement of games, as it is only by using every diamond available that the schedule can be completed. Balls may be obtained by captains of the teams at the Athletic Association office and also a mask and protector for the games to be played on Norton's Field. Masks and protectors for the games on Soldiers Field may be obtained from the janitor of the Locker Building. Games will be called at 4 o'clock. The rules published in the CRIMSON of April 25 must be strictly observed.
