
Schedule of the Leiter Cup Series

The first three games of the Leiter Cup series will be played this afternoon at 4 o'clock as follows: Pullets vs. Indians, north diamond, Soldiers Field; Squabs vs. Victorias, south diamond, Soldiers Field; Fleas vs. Butterfingers, Norton's Field.

The postponed meeting for all men interested in the series will be held at 7 o'clock this evening in Lower Massachusetts.

Following are the sections and the schedule:

Section I--Fleas, Butterfingers, Gin Rickeys, Grape Nuts, Incognitos, Boiler Makers.

Section II--Pullets, Indians, Cascarets, Texas Leaguers, Nine Muses, Grasshoppers.


Section III--Squabs, Victorias, Biffers, Has Beens, Lanky Shanks, Humpty Dumpties.


May 3--Cascarets vs. Texas Leaguers; Biffers vs. Has Beens; Gin Rickeys vs. Grape Nuts.

May 4--Nine Muses vs. Grasshoppers; Lanky Shanks vs. Humpty Dumpties; Incognitos vs. Boiler Makers.

May 5--Indians vs. Cascarots; Victorias vs. Biffers; Butterfingers vs. Gin Rickeys.

May 6--Texas Leaguers vs. Nine Muses; Has Beens vs. Lanky Shanks; Grape Nuts vs. Incognitos.

May 8--Pullets vs. Cascarets; Squabs vs. Biffers, Fleas vs. gin Rickeys.

May 9--Indians vs. Texas Leaguers; Victorias vs. Has Beens; Butterfingers vs. Grape Nuts.

May 10--Pullets vs. Grasshoppers; Squabs vs. Humpty Dumpties; Fleas vs. Boiler Makers.

May 11--Cascarets vs. Nine Muses; Biffers vs. Lanky Shanks; gin Rickeys vs. Incognitos.
