

Much Good Material Brought Out.--No Remarkable Performances.

The results of the annual handicap track games which were held yesterday afternoon in the Stadium were satisfactory, as the work of many of the new men was very promising. Although a high wind prevented fast time in the field events, the excellent condition of the track and the unusually large number of entries contributed toward good performances. Yesterday's work, however, proved that there is still a lack of good material in the field events, of which the weakest was the shot put.

The following additional men will be taken to the training table, and should report at the union for breakfast at 8.15 o'clock. L. P. Dodge '08, H. H. Whitman '06, A. Dana '06, H. H. Rowland '06, H.M. Turner '06, R. H. Bollard '05, O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08, R. h. Oveson. '05.

The summary follows:

Track Events.

120-yard hurdles--First heat won by H. Taylor '07, scratch; second, J. F. Doyle '07, 8 yards. Time, 17 3-5s. Second heat won by P. R. Browne '05,4 yds.; second, W. A. Clark '06, 2 yds. Time, 18 2-5s. third heat won by W. Soule '06, 2 yds.; second, O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08, 4 yds. time, 17 2-5s. Fourth heat won by R. E. Nason 2L., 4 yds.; second, G. S. Morrison 3Dn., 4 yds. Time, 17 3-5s. final heat won by W. Soule '06, 2 yds.; second, R. E. Nason 2L., 4 yds.; third, H. Taylor '07, scratch. Time, 17 1-5s.


100-yard dash--First heat won by L. P. Dodge '08, 3 yds.; second, C. P. Noble '08, 5 yds. Time, 10s. Second heat won by A. H. Bowser '07, 4 yds.; second, j. B. Coolidge '08, 7 yds. Time, 10 1-5s. third heat won by H. K. Craft '07, 4 yds. Time, 10s. Fourth heat won by W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, scratch; second H. S. Blair '08, 4 yds. time, 10 2-5s. Fifth heat won by P. C. Lockwood '07, 3 yds; second, S. T. McCall 2L., 3 yds. Time, 10 1-5s. Semifinal heat won by J. L. Swarts '17, 4 yds.; second, H. S. Blair '08, 4 yds. Time 10 2-5s. Final hat won by L. P. Dodge '08, 3 yds.; second, J. L. Swarts '07, 4 yds.; third, W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, scratch. Time 9 4-5s.

440-yard run--Won by S. Curtis '05, 12 yds.; second, W. A. Colwell 4G., 15 yds.; third, R. H. Cox '05, 12 yds. Time 52s.

Mile run--Won by H. M. Turner '06, 30 yds.; second, W. Minot '07, 50 yds.; third, H. H. Rowland '06, 30 yds. Time, 4 m., 38 4-5s.

880-yard run--Won by C. Briusmade '07, 15 yds.; second, H. H. Whitman '06, scratch; third, E. S. Blagden '08, 15 yds. Time, 2m.

220-yard dash--First heat won by L. P. Dodge '08, 4 yds.; second, M. G. Perkins '06, 8 yds. Time, 22 1-5s. Second heat won by E. D. Hamilton '06, 8 yds.; second, R. H. Bowser '07, 8 yds. Time, 22 4-5s. Third heat won by E. S. Dives '06, 8 yds. second, P. C. Lockwood '07, 6 yds. Time, 22 4-5s. Fourth heat won by W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, scratch; second, H. K. Craft '07, 10 yds. Time, 22 2-5s. Final heat won by L. P. Dodge '08, 4 yds.; second, E. J. dives '06, 8 yds.; third, E. D. Hamilton '06, 8 yds. Time, 22 2-5s.

220-yard hurdles--First heat won by O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08, 4 yds; second, H. Taylor '07, 8 yds. Time, 26 4-5s. Second heat won by J. F. Doyle '07, scratch; second, G. S. Morrison 3Dn., 4 yds. Time, 26 4-5s. Final heat won by O. F. Rogers '08, 4 yds.; second, G. S. Morrison 3Dn. 4 yds.; third, H. Taylor '07, 8 yds. Time, 26 3-5s.

Two-mile run--Won by M. H. Stone '07, 80 yds.; second, C. J. Jackman sL., 120 yds.; third, W. G. Howard '07, 50 yds. Time 10m. 31 3-5s.

Field Events.

Broad jump--Won by W. B. Jordan '06, 1ft.; second, F. J. W. Ford 2L., scratch; third, W. A. Forbush '07, 3ft. Distance, 21 ft., 1 in.

High jump--Tied for first place; R. E. Crane '05, scratch, A. Derby 2L., 2 in., E. J. Ford '05, 2 in., P. M. Clark 1L., 2 in., N. E. Olds '05, 2 in. Crane awarded first: Derby won toss for second. Height,5 ft., 7 1-2 in.

Putting 16-pound shot--Won by L. G. Brooks 3L., 3 ft.; second, J. S. Heilborn '07, 4 ft.; third, C. J. Stevens '06, 3 ft. Distance, 38 ft., 3 1-2 in.

Pole vault--Won by W. P. Henneberry '06, scratch; second, E. M. Sawyer 1G., scratch; third, A. G. Grant '07, 6 in. Height, 10 ft., 6 3-4 in.

Throwing 16-pound hammer--Won by P. O. Mills '05, 15 ft.; second, R. H. Oveson '05, scratch: third, W. W. Thayer '06, 12 ft. Distance, 119 ft., 10 in.
